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This dragonmark makes you special. It grants you access to arcane powers. Whether it's a gift of the great dragon Eberron or a sign of the draconic Prophecy, no one knows. However, one thing is certain: Those who possess dragonmarks have a destiny, the exact nature of which has yet to be revealed This supplement explores each of the thirteen dragonmarked houses in detail and presents advice for playing dragonmarked characters within a house or house guild. In addition, the book introduces exciting new options for dragonmarked characters, including prestige classes, feats, and spells. Finally, it discusses aberrant dragonmarks and their role in the campaign. Book jacket. Author : Keith Baker,Bill Slavicsek,James Wyatt Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 55,9 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : Author : Gwendolyn F.
Kestrel,Jennifer Clarke Wilkes,Kolja Raven Liquette Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 55,7 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : The Blood of Dragons Flows through Your Veins In ages past, dragons ruled supreme. Now their distant scions, the races and individuals who carry their blood, live among the great empires of the world, where they forge their own glorious legacies. You can be among them. Embrace your draconic heritage, and the spoils of the world can be yours! This book introduces two new player character races: the dragonborn existing characters reborn in a new draconic form to combat and destroy the spawn of Tiamat and the spellscales artistic, philosophical beings with a penchant for sorcery and a thirst for new experiences.
It also provides new prestige classes, feats, spells, magic items, equipment, and guidelines for crafting adventures and campaigns involving dragonblooded races. Author : James Wyatt,Keith Baker,Luke Johnson Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 50,6 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : Describes important locations, events, organizations, races, and features of the Eberron campaign setting, organized in an accessible and easily digestible format so that players can use the book as a handy reference guide. In addition, the book provides new feats, prestige classes, spells, and magic items. Welcome to Simply6! Simply6 is a fast, light tabletop roleplaying game by Russ Morrissey for 2 or more players which you can play using just six-sided dice. Simply6 is a multi-genre game. You can play in fantasy settings, science-fiction settings, or contemporary settings. You can play in the Wild West or a cyberpunk dystopia.
The scope of your setting is entirely up to you, and these rules are simple and flexible enough to handle them all. In this short rulebook, you'll find sections which tell you the core rules, how to create a character, how to adjudicate magic and combat, and a list of monsters for your characters to fight. It's small. It's simple. It's Simply6. Author : Keith Baker Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 53,6 Mb Release : Category : Adventure games ISBN : Author : Keith Baker Publisher : Wizards of the Coast Page : pages File Size : 51,5 Mb Release : Category : Fiction ISBN : The Eberron world will continue to grow through new roleplaying game products, novels, miniatures, and electronic games.
AUTHOR BIO: Keith Baker is a freelance writer and game designer. In his proposal for the world of Eberron was selected as the winner in the Wizards of the Coast fantasy setting search. From the Paperback edition. Author : Bruce R. Cordell,Stephen Schubert,Chris Thomasson Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 52,7 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : It introduces a wealth of new arcane and divine spells, and artificer infusions. Chapters explore the more unusual manifestations of magic in Eberron, such as elemental binding, dragonshards and dragon magic, and the corrupted magic of the daelkyr. A chapter on lost magic explains how to make the discovery of new magical secrets a central feature of any Eberron campaign.
Author : Keith Baker Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 54,7 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : Join the struggle to save the cradle of humanity from monstrous and alien overlords. Venture to the frozen land of the shifters to make your fortune, or smuggle exotic goods and strange dissidents from a freewheeling southern port. Stand on the world's tallest mountain, or rove the vast wilderness that makes up the empire of Riedra. Seek venerated masters, and learn powers and abilities unheard of in Khorvaire. Come to Sarlona, ancient homeland of couatls and fiends, and explore a land of lost empires and esoteric arts.
Inside this book, you'll find everything you need to explore the enigmatic continent of Sarlona: Comprehensive overview of Sarlona's nations, including their governments and relations, as well as locations, communities, organizations, and NPCs. Detailed maps of the continent, nations, settlements, and adventure sites. Unique new feats, magic items, prestige classes, psionic powers, and spells. Bizarre monsters and templates unique to Sarlona. Author : Jennifer Clarke Wilkes,Ari Marmell,C. Suleiman Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 45,7 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : Faiths of Eberrondetails established pantheons, secret cults, and other religious organizations of Eberron.
It includes new rules material for the player, such as prestige classes, feats, spells, and magic items, while the details on the various organizations give Dungeon Masters many new options for their campaigns. Her previously published credits includeSandstormandSavage Species. To understand how a warforged lives, one must understand what it is like not to breathe, eat, sleep, or even dream. CHAPTER 1 A warforged considers anyone with whom it does not have a quarrel or common goal a civilian. Civilians and noncombatants were to be ignored unless a warforged was ordered to do otherwise.
Thus, warforged have difficulty relating to others now that they have no masters to tell them how to do so, and many people see warforged as disrespectful, rude, and cold. A warforged chooses its foes based on its goals. A foe need not be attacked, but a foe is someone to be defeated. Roleplaying Application: Your character should have a goal and should define others based upon that goal. Other members of your adventuring party should be considered comrades, but if one betrays your trust, you might downgrade your association to that of ally. Also, although created for action, your character was also made to take orders. If no course of action seems clear to your character, consider simply waiting until one becomes apparent or taking a cue from others. LEISURE Warforged never tire and rarely allow themselves to grow bored. Their lack of need to sleep, eat, or fear the passage of time gives them almost unending patience.
Yet a hard life as constant soldiers has accustomed them to endless toil, and any long period of inactivity tends to make them anxious. A warforged without a specific task to complete or one forced to wait to complete the task at hand usually creates a new task for himself, a hobby of sorts that gives his mind or body something to do. Individual warforged choose different hobbies, but such activities tend to be either repetitious or unending. A warforged might count objects nearby, particularly if there are many of them, such as blades of grass. Another warforged might carry with her strips of leather that she braids into intricate patterns and then unbraids so she can create new patterns. Many warforged do the tasks given them when they were required to wait before a battle; these include sharpening weapons, cleaning accouterments, and checking and rechecking equipment.
Such tasks can hold endless fulfillment for a warforged when she has nothing else to do. Yet as creatures without a need for leisure, warforged often take Craft skills and create things endlessly. A warforged who has taken up the life of a smith is likely to hammer at his work from dawn to dusk and would hammer and weld on into the night were others not disturbed by the clamor. In the dark hours, a warforged smith might take up some quiet endeavor such as sewing or basket weaving. An adventuring warforged might whittle carvings as his comrades sleep, creating intricate sculptures that are the results of years of nightly practice. During their lives among other races, they find that they have time on their hands when other races pause to eat or sleep. Thus left alone, most warforged pursue solitary activities. Still, warforged who are invited to partake in some leisure activity that involves other creatures take to it with the gusto typical of the race. Many warforged greatly enjoy games of strategy, such as chess, or gambling.
Roleplaying Application: Consider giving your warforged character a rank or two in a Craft skill and a hobby such as those described above. Armorsmithing, blacksmithing, gemcutting, and sculpting make excellent choices because you can also use those Craft skills to repair yourself. If you choose not to take a Craft skill, devise some other kind of downtime activity for your warforged character. ART 14 For a race not inclined to displays of emotion, warforged produce a surprising amount of art in a broad array of media. Before the end of the Last War, the number of warforged who participated in artistic endeavors could be counted on one hand. Now, many warforged pursue some kind of artistic activity, although few warforged would think of it as such. When warforged create art, they most often do so by mistake. Even warforged bards rarely create new music, instead repeating traditional marching songs and battle ballads.
The desire for expression of emotion, ornamentation, or art to honor another does not often occur to them. These objects are created when a warforged has little else to do. The indentured warforged of Thrane and Karrnath are kept busy with constant toil, but adventuring warforged and those who work according to the schedules of the other races around them often have nothing better to do than tinker with some hobby. Sometimes this hobby creates what other races would consider art. Woodcarving, sketching, and weaving are popular pastimes. Warforged art tends to be wholly abstract or completely representational; it rarely displays emotion or analysis of any kind. Roleplaying Application: If your warforged has a Craft skill as a hobby, consider whether your character creates lasting items, what they are, and how your character values them. Your character might draw a picture of everyone who speaks to her each day, whittle holes through sticks, or bend wire into chain links.
If your character lacks a Craft skill, she still might enjoy more abstract pastimes. She could collect small objects in a satchel during her travels, pulling them out and reviewing them when other characters sleep or eat. Warforged have bodies composed of inorganic materials but also of living magic. In this way, warforged combine technology and magic in an unparalleled manner. During the Last War, most warforged were discouraged from taking any interest in magic or their own construction. The only practice of magic taught in the House Cannith training halls was that of the artificer, and House Cannith strictly controlled the training of the few warforged selected for that duty. Thus, most warforged think very little about magic and attach no emotion to it.
Magic and how it interacts with a warforged body hold no interest for most warforged beyond pure practicality. A warforged values magic that aids him, particularly magic that repairs his body. Warforged enjoy the ability to accept magic into their composite plating and to graft particular magic items to their bodies, but few warforged are curious about how or why either process works. These few seekers of knowledge see the discovery of the means to create warforged and docent components as a strategic goal. Roleplaying Application: Magic is rarely a source of wonder for your character. She is made of magic, and since her creation she has witnessed a world full of magic. Even so, your character likely has a healthy respect for what magic can accomplish. WAR For warforged, the purpose of life was to fight battles, and in the peace after the Last War, many warforged WARFORGED The relative peace in Khorvaire mystifies most warforged.
The problems that caused the Last War seem unsettled, and the reasons for the Treaty of Thronehold are foreign to them. A small number of warforged actively seek a return to the state of war. Some of these warforged find their services prized by those who think the Treaty of Thronehold left some unsettled business, but most disaffected warforged seek out the Lord of Blades in the Mournland, looking to join his rumored army. Regardless of your opinion, your warforged likely views the world in terms of strategic goals and battles that must be won. CHAPTER 1 continue to exist as warriors.
Whether as constables, bodyguards, pirates, bounty hunters, gladiators, soldiers, or adventurers, some warforged continue to live their lives in the old way. Other warforged have chosen or been forced to take up other lives and new purposes. Regardless, all warforged have opinions about war, but their reasoning about it tends to mystify members of other races. Warforged were made for warfare, a fact reinforced every time the name of their race is spoken. They view much of life in terms of battles and objectives, combatants and noncombatants, enemies and allies.
This causes most warforged to think of war not as wrong or even as a necessary evil, but instead to view it as natural. Violence, an activity they pursued during war and in training for war, is not loathsome or terrible—not any more than it is to a predatory animal. A few warforged pacifists exist, mostly stemming from a dozen or so warforged who were trained as personal aides rather than as warriors. Some warforged veterans take up quiet and peaceful lives, hoping never again to see battle, but such warforged usually keep their old swords above the mantle, ready and willing for when war breaks out again. In truth, the average warforged fears destruction as much or more than other races fear death, but warforged do not feel or fear pain in the same way that most creatures do.
Pain is not a fear-laden indicator of impending death, but rather a gauge of overall operational status—informative if somewhat unpleasant, bur rarely frightening or debilitating. When a warforged is close to destruction, it can exist in that state for as long as it takes for repairs to be made. Warforged know this and rely upon it—as an example, some warforged now go into battle with self-inflicted nonlethal damage, a tactic outlawed by their masters during the Last War. During that war, warforged learned that most people ignored fallen warforged, and beasts do not care to eat them. A warforged knocked unconscious can thus exist in that state indefinitely, waiting for an ally, enemy, or stranger to make repairs. Warforged who employ this tactic have unusual confidence in their ability to survive battles. Of course, a warforged repaired by an enemy must usually serve that enemy or face destruction, but the warforged who use this tactic often care more for their own survival than the success of their cause.
WARFORGED SOCIETY AND CULTURE The Treaty of Thronehold declared warforged to be free creatures just two years ago, and the living constructs have had little time to create a society or culture beyond the limited soldier culture they possessed during the Last War. What society exists among warforged is largely a remnant of the command structures of the armies of the Last War. Squads of warforged remain together, bound to one another by their sense of camaraderie. These small groups tackle the challenges of life after war as a unit, often taking similar jobs and living together. Sometimes a squad commander leads these warforged, serving to help the squad find its place in the new world they all live in. Even those without comrades upon whom they can associate are rarely alone for long, though. Due to their common abilities, warforged without squads often find themselves in similar lines of work. Warforged who work together often elect a leader independent of the desires of their employer and become an impromptu squad.
Warforged who are truly alone often seek camaraderie with other groups of creatures. They might be able to find solace among those of other races with whom they work, but many warforged find that other laborers are jealous of their tirelessness and distrustful of their warlike natures. In battle against a common foe, the prejudice that warforged typically face fades away, and allies rely on them as they would any friend. Yet even among adventurers, some think of warforged as tools rather than thinking and living creatures; warforged who manage to find true acceptance and respect among other creatures remain steadfastly loyal to them.
Warforged share a common culture mainly because of their outlook. They all seek a place in the world after the Last War. They are all natural warriors, with little that they fear. Extremes of emotion are uncommon, and they are industrious workers. Yet from this common ground, warforged diverge to a myriad of behaviors leaving little that can be called culture or society. Many warforged adopt the culture of the area they live in. A warforged might even dress in the clothes common to folk in the area and emulate the speech patterns and customs of his neighbors. Other warforged deny their living nature and instead revel in their differences from humanoids. These warforged never wear clothes or partake in the celebrations or rituals of the societies in which they live. They remain active constantly, taking pride in their tireless strength.
Such warforged often take up professions where their construct nature gives them a great advantage, such as mining and underwater salvaging. that destruction meant oblivion and that clerics and paladins were simply spellcasters like sorcerers and wizards. This approach allowed them to sell warforged to customers regardless of religious affiliation. In the years since the Last War, warforged have learned of religion and gods. It seems to them like choosing to be beholden to a master who never gives commands. Many warforged are offended by the concept of worship, and nearly all seem to think belief in deities is foolish. Despite their dismissal of gods, however, warforged recognize the power of clerics and paladins.
Many see the value of members of other races devoting themselves to ideals when it results in power. Although warforged understand this concept, they see more benefit from the spellcasting of an artificer, and most who choose to gain magical power take that path. The rare warforged who thinks religion has something to offer is likely a zealous convert and a member of the cleric or paladin class. Warforged were not brought up with religion, and a warforged who takes a religious path has thought long and hard about the subject and made a deliberate choice to believe. Warforged who take up the banner of religion could worship nearly any deity or concept, but some general tendencies are seen throughout the small population. The Sovereign Host: Warforged who follow the Sovereign Host often think of them more as comrades than as entities to honor with worship.
The gods travel with their warforged worshiper and help in various ways. Many clerics of other races are offended by the warforged thinking of the Sovereign Host in such a RELIGION familiar manner and consider it blasphemous when a In the warforged training halls, members of House Cannith kept talk of religion to a minimum. Warwarforged refers to the deities as walking and speaking forged were informed of the capabilities of clerics and to him on a daily basis. paladins and taught how to recognize them on the When warforged single out a particular deity to worbattlefield, but their trainers conspicuously avoided ship, they most often choose Dol Arrah, Dol Dorn, or Onatar, with Onatar being a clear favorite. The other discussion about the nature of religion or the afterlife. Uncertain whether warforged even possess souls, the deities of the host have spheres of influence that rarely House Cannith trainers hammered home the concept concern a warforged.
For instance, a warforged devoted pqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqrs THE QUESTION OF SOULS The Treaty of Thronehold gave warforged their freedom, but only after great debate. House Cannith and Thrane argued ardently that warforged were not living creatures because they do not possess souls. Their evidence for this was that warforged cannot become undead by any known method, not even ghosts or shadows. They are immune to energy drain, and no one knows of a warforged soul in Dolurrh, the Realm of the Dead. Breland argued that because warforged can be raised and resurrected, they 16 must have souls. Of course, House Cannith and Thrane countered that no warforged brought back from death told tales of any kind of afterlife.
In the end, the Question of Souls, as that portion of the negotiations came to be known, was left unanswered. Warforged were freed because they could exhibit thought and free will. Vohwinkel to nature is more likely a druid than a cleric of Arawai Other Concepts: Warforged clerics or paladins or Balinor. might also worship ideals or concepts imporThe Dark Six: Most warforged who follow the Dark tant to their lives. Such things tend to be ideas central to the struggles of all warforged, such as Six despise their former masters and pay homage to the evil deities as forces that can destroy the other races. truth, acceptance, camaraderie, craftsmanship, and Warforged who favor a particular deity often worfighting prowess.
Terrible rumors abound that a group of warforged ship the Fury, the Keeper, or the Mockery. Warforged in the Mournland worships the Lord of Blades and filled with rage at their enslavement prefer the Fury. Warforged who fear death often honor the Keeper, somehow receives power from those hoping to send him enough beliefs. Also, a story circulating souls that they might live among disbelieving warforged beyond death. Hateful has it that a whole battalion dewarforged who value serted from Karrnath and now strength of arms seeks to build a deity someor guile prefer where in the Mournland.
Such the Mockery. stories are dismissed by most folk as fantasies. The Blood of Vol: Of the small Roleplaying Application: number of religious As a warforged, your character likely finds religion warforged, only strange. lieving that Vol If you do play a cleric can grant them or paladin, think about souls or life afthe options provided ter death in an above and choose undead form. Most warforged think the concept of the three for interesting roleplaying in encounters with more dragons, Khyber, Syberis, and Eberron, is as strange a zealous characters. myth as those associated with the other deities. Other creatures similar to warpsychic warriors adopt the kalashtar concept of the forged had been created before, but the warforged that Path of Light to help them meditate, but few other emerged from the creation forge on that day marked warforged deal with the kalashtar enough to have time the successful end to a long series of experiments with to come to grips with their concept of worship.
the goal of creating living, thinking constructs. The Undying Court: Warforged can more easily House Cannith had been creating constructs built understand worship of the Undying Court than for labor, exploration, and defense for some time before homage paid to other deities. For armies of conafterlife and of their power. Few warforged desire to structs to march on the fields of battle, the constructs bow to such present and temporal masters, though, and the Undying Court is not interested in the worship of needed to be able to think for themselves, and up to that constructs—living or otherwise. point, even the most intelligent constructs to emerge 17 Illus. Prescott WARFORGED CHAPTER 1 18 A work crew composed of warforged constructs a temple to the Silver Flame while human overseers look on from the creation forges required minders to give them commands and control their actions. When the secret of warforged creation was shared, the creation forges of House Cannith began selling warforged to whomever could afford them.
Breland, Cyre, and Thrane had the largest forces of warforged, but most of the various factions in the war boasted at least a small contingent of the soldier constructs. Warforged participated in all the important battles of the Last War, on the side of at least one of the various parties in the conflict. Warforged distinguished themselves in the Last War due to their speed traveling long distances, their tirelessness, and their fearlessness in the face of overwhelming foes. They also surprised many with their rather mutable loyalty. Such battles imperiled the capturing force, since the need to use nonlethal tactics against constructs that were under no such constraints made combat doubly deadly.
As the war progressed, new types of warforged emerged from the creation forges. Most were made by request in limited production runs, but some were experiments driven by House Cannith. Of these, the warforged scouts and warforged chargers see Monster Manual III were the most successful products, but they still paled in comparison to the success and the numbers of normal warforged that were built to fight the Last War. Aundair was the first nation to promote a warforged to a true command position. Previously, warforged had been given only temporary field commands, usually only until a human commander could reach the battlefield.
Human commanders often lagged behind warforged forces due to their need for rest. WARFORGED CHAPTER 1 few common folk tales. marshal the warforged battalions consistently managed battles more incompetently than the warforged that Bulwark had been given temporary command. Many Argus and the warforged, named Chase, were demoted. warforged view Bulwark as their liberator and a A year later, Argus had the opportunity to appeal to great hero, heaping upon him a measure of honor the queen, showing as his evidence the performance and respect most people reserve for gods. Some record of the lord major compared to the record of every rumors claim he took a new name and personality warforged given temporary command of the same to gain complete freedom from his old life, while forces.
the Mournland to become the Lord of Blades, but no Soon other warforged were given permanent command one knows for certain. about Bulwark fails, but it also fails to prove that he is dead. Many warforged would follow him if he Other nations saw the benefit of warforged commandreturned to lead his people, and the leaders of the ers, and in a few months every army had promoted warforged to permanent command roles. Of course, nations of Khorvaire fear that unifying the warforged due to the protests of the other soldiers, warforged might result in their desire for a separate state. were given command only of other warforged. and higher-ranking members of the various armies involved in the conflict.
In Breland, warforged The Creation Forges particularly suited to such roles were often given by The creation forges were supposed to have been their owners as gifts to superior officers. One such destroyed, but rumors persist among the warforged that some forges were not destroyed and that these warforged, named Bulwark, distinguished himself so secret forges continue to create more of their kind. well that he was eventually gifted to King Boranel. freedom of warforged at Thronehold due to the Adventure Hook: Both the Lord of Blades and Lord influence of Bulwark. Should a the creation forges were major sticking points in the newly created warforged go rogue from their ranks, or should rumor strike too closely to the truth, both negations at Thronehold, with Thrane offering the most resistance.
After two weeks of argument and bargaining, will stop at nothing to see that those who suspect their it was agreed that warforged should be free. involvement are quickly silenced. According to tales, they have traveled him if the warforged wanted to leave. Bulwark vanished to the Mournland to build a body for this deity so that from history at this point, although the events that he can walk the earth and lead the warforged. led to his freedom happened but two years ago. The construct largely responsible for warforged freedom Adventure Hook: The persistent rumors of the godleft Thronehold on foot, walking east, and has not been forged would be laughed off by other races, except that a member of an adventuring party sent to the Mournland seen since. Prescott WARFORGED CHAPTER 1 plains. According to the adventurer, it was a giant head of steel, stone, and wood some 30 feet wide. She and her companions were attacked by warforged before they could learn more, and only she survived their harried flight back to Sharn.
It is said in some tales that he was the last warforged created, and in others that he was the first. Doing so secretly is a different matter, and adventuring groups and individuals find that funding for their efforts to uncover more about the Lord of Blades is easier to gain in Breland. LANGUAGE Warforged speak Common, which is the language of their creators and most of their former owners. A wizard, druid, or cleric warforged has bonus starting languages due to class, but few warforged take these classes. Most warforged must spend skill points to learn new languages. Warforged who learn languages other than Common do so for the tactical advantage it can grant them or simply to get along among others who speak different tongues. Due to their training and their limited use of language on the battlefield, warforged tend to have small vocabularies except in the area of items and terms related to war.
Warforged who care to improve their somewhat sour relations with other races find that language can be a barrier A newly constructed warforged emerges from its creation forge WARFORGED Warforged Phrasebook Although most of the language difficulties that warforged experience come from their narrow background, they also use phrases and terms that sound foreign to those unfamiliar with warforged training and battle tactics. Most of these terms were created by House Cannith in the warforged training halls for use in the war games in which all warforged participated, but a few were developed by the warforged themselves. The type of dispelling or negating magic is unimportant. The command leaves it to the spellcaster to determine the spell needed to negate the effect. Ground: This brief command is usually shouted by a member of a unit when ranged attack is imminent.
Warforged understand it to mean that they should take cover if possible or simply lie prone if cover is unavailable. Points north: This command indicates that soldiers should aim ranged attacks or spells at an indicated enemy commander. Points south: This command indicates that soldiers should aim their ranged attacks or offensive spells at an indicated spellcaster. Repair: Although often shouted like a command, this word is really a request for aid. CHAPTER 1 even when both speakers use the same tongue, since warforged often pepper their speech with battlefield terminology.
Some warforged try to improve their vocabularies, but this too can bring frustration. Roleplaying Application: Your character learned language under the incredibly demanding situations inherent to combat training. Ambiguity and lengthy explanation mean death and defeat on the battlefield, so warforged take clarity and brevity to new heights in their speech. The phrasebook presented below shows how to capture the unique speech habits of a warforged character, but the key to this kind of roleplaying technique is consistency. WARFORGED AND OTHER RACES Warforged find it difficult to relate to other races. These facts alone would make many people dislike dealing with them, but warforged are also stymied by the habits and emotions of other races, and they sometimes find it hard to express themselves properly due to a vocabulary based on aspects of war.
To top it all off, their bodies and the very name of their race are constant reminders of the Last War and its atrocities. Despite the prejudice they face, most warforged do try to get along with other races. Warforged rarely form opinions about creatures they meet on the basis of race. A warforged who meets a citizen of a state that he considers an enemy might think poorly of that person. Similarly, warforged are often taken advantage of by those from their own country, who know they can rely on the warforged seeing them as allies. Warforged who have too much difficulty relating to other creatures often seek solitary professions or the company of their own kind, but warforged who find they get along well enough with other races often take great pains to keep the relationships strong.
Changelings: Warforged tend to be wary of changelings. Their employment as spies and assassins in 21 WARFORGED CHAPTER 1 the Last War ingrained a feeling in warforged that all changelings are deceptive and treacherous. At the same time, warforged understand that the war is over, and some feel a sort of sympathy for changelings, seeing them as creatures similarly defined by their past. Dwarves: Warforged most easily enjoy the company of dwarves. Elves: Warforged respect elves as fierce warriors and intelligent tacticians, but see their airy ways and flighty passions as mystifying. The Aerenal relationship with death fascinates some warforged. Half-Elves: Warforged often find it difficult to distinguish half-elves from humans or elves, a flaw that some half-elves relish and others despise.
On a personal level, most warforged find the glib-tongued halflings to be confusing. If you plan on playing a character who engages in melee fairly often, you should take Adamantine Body, Ironwood Body, or Mithral Body as your first feat. As an adventurer, your warforged character is important to the party because of his living construct nature. Consider taking ranks in Spot and Listen, because your character will likely be called on to maintain the watch while the rest of the party sleeps. Remember that you can safely engage poison-bearing foes and brave poisonous traps and areas. Similarly, energy drain attacks are of no concern, but remember that many undead attacks drain or damage ability scores, attacks to which you are susceptible. Not needing to breathe allows you to swim without fear of drowning, and the penalty to Swim checks from taking feats such as Adamantine Body does not double as do normal armor check penalties.
Even so, you should consider taking ranks in Swim if you want to be able to navigate anything but still water, since you do not sink or float any more easily than a human. Finally, remember that when you attack with your natural slam attack, you do not gain multiple attacks for a high base attack bonus. Finally, even though warforged technically have no gender, each warforged character must have either a male personality or a female personality. Make this decision during character creation, at the same time that you would decide the gender of another kind of character.
SPECIAL WARFORGED OPTIONS As a warforged, your character qualifies for some warforged-specific feats and prestige classes unavailable to PCs of other races. The feats and prestige classes listed below are described in Chapters 6 and 7, respectively, except for those marked with an asterisk, which appear in the EBERRON Campaign Setting. WARFORGED Fighter: Fighter is the favored class of warforged; with good feat selection, a warforged character can excel at the role. With such a warforged fighter, concentrate on feats such as Dodge and Mobility at low levels, and as you gain power, look to imbue your body with enhancement bonuses to Armor Class.
For alternative options for the warforged fighter, see the warforged racial substitution levels, page Monk: Monk is a good class choice for a warforged character. Monks do not normally wear armor, so the armor bonus inherent to the race is a great advantage. You can choose to increase that advantage with Adamantine Body or Mithral Body, but both of those feats cause you to take penalties to skills important to most monks. Consider taking Cold Iron Tracery or Silver Tracery. These feats allow your unarmed strikes to overcome types of damage reduction that you must normally find monk weapons of the right material to defeat.
If you wish to do that, you must forgo your unarmed strike damage and monk abilities, making only a single slam attack. When a warforged monk gains the wholeness of body ability, he can use that ability to repair damage he has taken. Paladin: A warforged paladin can be fun to play because the class offers you the ability to be a strong melee combatant while still allowing you the power to repair your damage during combat. When a warforged paladin gains the lay on hands ability, he can use that ability to repair damage or to cure wounds, as appropriate to the target. For alternative options for the warforged paladin, see the warforged racial substitution levels, page Psionic Classes: If you use the Expanded Psionics Handbook in your game, consider playing a warforged soulknife or psychic warrior.
Since the arcane spell failure chance of warforged and warforged feats does not apply to psionic powers, nearly any psionic class is a good choice, but the soulknife and psychic warrior make strong choices due to their melee focus. Rogue: If you play a warforged rogue, you face the dilemma of whether to take the Adamantine Body feat or the Mithral Body feat. Both entail skill check penalties, and you might be tempted to take Mithral Body due to its smaller penalties. A warforged artificer can apply infusions to himself, he has ready access to repair infusions and the Craft skill to repair damage he sustains, and the craft reserve and retain essence class features grant warforged the ability to build magic into their bodies at much less cost. For alternative options for a warforged artificer, see the warforged racial substitution levels, page Barbarian: Warforged have no culture of barbarism aside from a few bands of warforged that roam the Mournland, but the idea of a warforged consumed by rage in the stress of battle is easy to reconcile.
Warforged make excellent barbarians. As a warforged, your Constitution bonus allows you to rage longer, your immunity to fatigue means you suffer no ill effects when your rage ends, and the Adamantine Body feat grants you excellent protection that barbarians cannot normally gain. The barbarian speed bonus offsets the slower speed imposed by that feat, and the damage reduction barbarians gain at higher levels is better than that provided by Adamantine Body. Bard: Bard is a good choice for warforged characters despite their racial Charisma penalty. A warforged bard can be tremendously effective as support for other characters. Cleric: The Wisdom penalty that warforged suffer might give you pause, but consider playing a warforged cleric. The Adamantine Body and Mithral Body feats are excellent choices that improve your durability without affecting your spellcasting.
Cleric spells such as magic vestment can further increase your Armor Class, allowing you to engage in melee and support the party with ease. Druid: The rare warforged druid can be a formidable character. The Adamantine Body and Mithral Body feats negate your druid abilities, so consider Ironwood Body as an option. The wild shape ability and the goodberry spell both allow you to regain hit points without halving the benefit of healing magic, and you retain your armor bonus as well as all your immunities when in animal form. Consider the Ironwood Body feat as an alternative. Sorcerer: Despite the warforged arcane spell failure chance, sorcerer is an excellent choice for a warforged character. Be sure to choose repair light damage as one of your known spells so that you can heal yourself whenever you have need. Otherwise, you can probably avoid taking repair spells. If you must take Adamantine Body or Mithral Body, consider taking the Still Spell feat and concentrate on learning spells that lack a somatic component.
An alternative in the other direction is the Unarmored Body feat, which negates your spell failure chance while removing your armor bonus, putting you on an equal footing with sorcerers of other races. Alternatively, as with the warforged sorcerer, you can take the Unarmored Body feat to remove your armor check penalty, give up your armor bonus, and gain the ability to benefit from magic robes. Warforged require protection from great heat and cold due to their vulnerability to nonlethal damage, but in most instances shade or a fire provides what is needed without a permanent structure.
Similarly, since warforged do not need food and do not procreate, interpersonal contact is unnecessary. Even so, as warforged attempt to find their places in the world after the Last War, they often remain in the squads, units, and battalions they were members of before. Larger groups of warforged have taken up residence near some cities, having built their own boroughs after their units were officially disbanded. Immediately after the war, warforged often lived outside settlements in large tent cities, built in the orderly and clean fashion the warforged were accustomed to.
Some of these tent cities still exist, but in other places warforged have replaced them with more permanent structures, usually utilitarian, single-room dwellings large enough for a few people and a fire. Also, some warforged leave in search of adventure or a purpose, or they head into the Mournland after hearing rumors of the Lord of Blades. When considering the racial demographics of communities, consider first whether the community is in a country that made much use of warforged during the Last War. Breland and Thrane along with Cyre fielded the largest armies of warforged. Settlements in these countries should have a number of warforged similar to the number of half-elves.
In other nations, the warforged are likely lone wanderers or a small squad that stuck together after the war. Such small groups rarely account for a significant percentage of the population even in integrated cities. When a warforged is healed or repaired, each hit point healed or repaired also heals a point of nonlethal damage. A warforged with nonlethal damage that exceeds 24 its current hit points remains inert until that situation changes either by having some of its hit point damage healed or by naturally healing some of its nonlethal damage. When its hit points are equal to its nonlethal damage, a warforged is staggered. pqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqrs Illus.
Sook hifters, sometimes called the weretouched, trace their lineage to distant human and lycanthropic ancestors. Unlike their lycanthropic ancestors, shifters cannot fully change form. Instead, they can take on animalistic features, an ability they call shifting. A unique species that breeds true, shifters long ago founded their own culture and traditions. Never numerous when compared to the other races of Khorvaire, the majority of the shifter population lives in small villages and tribes throughout the Eldeen Reaches. Other shifters live across the continent within communities dominated by other races. Due in part to the fifty-year crusade against lycanthropes conducted by the Church of the Silver Flame more than a century ago, shifters prefer the company of their own kind and often form enclaves or districts when living within a community dominated by another race. This chapter expands on the description of shifters found in the EBERRON Campaign Setting, offering insights into shifter culture, personality, and tradition.
In addition, this chapter presents four new shifter traits associated with the signature ability of the shifter race. SHIFTER RACIAL TRAITS Shapechanger Subtype: Shifters are humanoids with the shapechanger subtype. Each shifter has one of ten shifter traits—characteristics that manifest themselves when a character is shifting. Shifter traits are described in the following section. If a gorebrute shifter uses his horns in a charge attack, the horns function as a natural weapon, dealing 2d6 points of damage plus an extra 1 point for every four character levels he has. He cannot which is selected when a character is created and attack more than once per round with his bite, even cannot be changed thereafter. multiple attacks. A shifter can take feats to improve this ability. These shifter feats are described in Chapter 3 of the EBERRON Campaign Setting. Every shifter feat a character takes increases the duration of his shifting by 1 round. For every two shifter feats a character takes, the number of times per day he can tap into the ability increases by one.
Shifting, though related to and developed from lycanthropy, is neither an affliction nor a curse. Low-Light Vision: Shifters can see twice as far as a human in starlight, moonlight, torchlight, and similar conditions of poor illumination. They retain the ability to distinguish color and detail under these conditions. Bonus Languages: Elven, Gnome, Halfling, and Sylvan. Favored Class: Ranger. Although created as part of the EBERRON campaign setting, the race fits in seamlessly with any fantasy setting. In another world, a world of your own creation, they might ride side by side with their lycanthrope ancestors, united in ways that the history of Eberron does not account for.
In another world, shifters might have no connection 26 to lycanthropes at all; instead, the supernatural ability to shift their form might stem from some interaction with the deities of chaos, great magic wrought in an ancient time, or some other source of power. In Eberron, shifters keep their distance from the rest of society. They might live within the great cities of humankind, but they seem ever to be outsiders. pqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqqrs SHIFTERS CHAPTER 2 Illus. If the creature is upwind, can be used as natural weapons. These claws deal 1d4 the range increases to 60 feet; if downwind, it drops points of damage plus an extra 1 point for every four to 15 feet.
Strong scents, such as smoke or rotting character levels he has with each successful attack. He garbage, can be detected at twice the ranges noted can attack with one claw as a standard action or with above. two claws as a full attack action as a primary natural Overweapon. He cannot attack more than once per round powering with a single claw, even if his base attack bonus is high scents, such enough to give him multiple attacks. He can attack as skunk musk or with a claw as a light off-hand weapon while wielding troglodyte stench, can a weapon in his primary hand, but all his attacks in be detected at triple northat round take a —2 penalty. mal range. to confuse or hamper this shifter trait.
average maneuverabilThe shifter ity. Whening a medium or ever the shifter heavy load or while comes withwearing medium or in 5 feet of heavy armor. The typical DC for Swim checks. a fresh trail is 10 regardless of In addition, the shifter can hold his breath for a the surface that holds the scent. A truedive shifter gains odor, and the age of the trail. trail grows cold, the DC increases by 2. This ability Wildhunt Su : While shifting, a wildhunt shifter other wise follows the rules for the Track feat. This ability allows the shifter conditions and poor visibility.
A wild hunt bonus on Survival checks due to the lingering effects shifter can identify familiar odors just as a human of the scent ability. does familiar sights. After a few slow heartbeats, she opens her eyes. Rising to a sitting position, she rests on the wide tree branch where she made her bed. She takes a quick breakfast of hard bread and cheese, wrapping the remaining portion for the journey yet to come. Setting out slowly, Morai checks the two traps she set yesterday afternoon. As she expected, they are still empty, but Morai knows her chances of finding game will improve as she moves more deeply into the forest and checks traps that have been in place longer than these two. The freedom of the forest seems to speak to the young shifter as she moves quickly among the trees. She smiles ruefully, thinking of the steady, plodding steps of the humans she traveled with last summer. Morning and midday pass quietly, and one of her many short pauses lengthens into a brief stop for a meal.
Early in the afternoon, Morai sets a new trap close to a clearing in the forest, thinking this might be a good spot to catch a squirrel or two. Slowing her steps to a stealthy crawl, Morai moves ahead, peering into the clearing from the shelter of the trees. Unheard among the soft sounds of the forest, Morai sees three goblins from across the clearing long before they see her. Her stealth is for naught, though, as behind her the newly set trap snaps shut, the sound at once promising a fresh evening meal and alerting the goblins to her presence. Morai thinks at first that the encounter need not end in blood, but the goblins, crude spears in hand, come toward her in a rush.
As always at the beginning of a fight, a rush of emotion rises within her, threatening to drown her vision in a sea of rage. Morai long ago decided never to awaken that beast within her, however; she breathes out slowly to calm herself as she fits an arrow to her bow. She lets it fly, and the first goblin falls. The rest of the goblins run toward her as soon as their companion hits the ground. She turns, the muscles of her legs compacting as her form becomes leaner and more feral. With a burst of speed made possible only by her newly strengthened form, Morai puts another fifty feet between herself and the goblins, then turns to down another with an arrow. Some are boorish or crude, while others are quiet and shifty. In addition to these behaviors, shifters share three main aspects of their psychology: a struggle with their powerful emotional responses, a steadfast belief in the virtue of self-reliance, and a deep desire for personal freedom.
THE BEAST WITHIN Shifters have a raw connection to instinct that members of other races seldom understand. Fueled by their ancient legacy, shifters hold within them extremes of emotion that strive to dominate their thoughts and actions. This raw inner turmoil comes forth in some shifter warriors as a barbaric rage, enabling the shifter to perform berserk feats of strength when he enters combat. Other shifters suppress all emotion, dealing with their bestial instincts in their own way and remaining stoic in the face of any situation lest their powerful emotions overwhelm them. Roleplaying Application: Shifters are creatures of extremes. Emotion makes some shifters mercurial and hot-tempered, liable to change moods in swift and dramatic ways. Those who keep their emotions contained do so very obviously, keeping their voices even and their responses controlled, especially in extremely stressful situations.
You should choose one of these extremes during character creation and attempt to adhere to the chosen behavior as closely as possible. THE JOURNEY YET TO COME As you advance in level, you should gather magic items that help you deal with a variety of situations, and you should do your best, within the abilities of your class and level, to remain ready for any situation. Even if you are reserved about the journey yet to come and the importance your people place on self-reliance, you should strive to ensure that you and possibly your companions remain ready for the unexpected. SHIFTERS CHAPTER 2 Illus. Zhang Self-reliance has long been the most important virtue in the shifter mind.
The greatest heroes of shifter folklore are often described as remaining constantly ready for surprise encounters and drawing on great reserves of THE REMOVAL inner strength rather than OF BONDS asking for help. No shifter is paring for the comfortable with journey yet to those who forcibly impose their come. lieve that life can change surprisWhile shifters ingly quickly and cannot break that one should alfree of their own ways be ready to physical forms in move on to avoid the way that a true the danger. Even when by choice as by nathey have permature. ly freedom. Some over a more comfortable but more structured existalk about it often; some tence in the human cities of the Five Nations. remain reticent. The life of an adventurer is particularly suited to remaining ready for an unexpected trial or Roleplaying Application: Those who impinge on journey and particularly prone to having such events the freedoms of others are not worthy of your respect.
As long as you remain ready for the journey yet to occur. Whether you discuss it openly with your travelcome, you remain ready to exercise your freedom. ing companions or not, you should strive to make sure Independence and the freedom to choose are very that your possessions are portable, and you should favor a small number of well-made weapons and armor over important, and you should encourage those you travel many lower-quality items even if the larger number of with to see their choices as their own rather than the result of mindlessly following a group or cause. items equates to more overall value. As with other aspects of shifter psychology, these are general impressions of the shifter race as a whole rather than strict rules that every individual must adhere to. Because members of other races often find shifters hard to accept or get along with, these traits have negative connotations.
Beasthide: Beasthide shifters are blunt and rude; they often speak loudly and interrupt others. Cliffwalk: Cliffwalk shifters are often shy and introverted. Dreamsight: Dreamsight shifters are usually calm and contemplative, especially when compared to other shifters. Gorebrute: Gorebrute shifters are loud and aggressive. They are more likely to threaten violence than most individuals. Longstride: Longstride shifters are aloof and prideful.
Races Of Eberron Book in PDF, ePub and Kindle version is available to download in english. Read online anytime anywhere directly from your device. Click on the download button below to get a free pdf file of Races Of Eberron book. This book definitely worth reading, it is an incredibly well-written. Author : Jesse Decker,Matthew Sernett,Keith Baker,Gwendolyn F. Kestrel Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 48,8 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : Author : David Noonan,Will McDermott,Stephen Schubert Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 55,6 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : X.
Players can build military characters with new feats, spells, uses for traditional spells, and prestige classes. Information is given on tools specific to the battlefield, including siege engines, weapons, magic items, steeds, and other exotic mounts. Battlefield terrain aspects are discussed with plenty of illustrative maps and new rules. Specific types of battlefield encounters are discussed in detail, and the book provides specific detail on designing battlefields. STEPHEN SCHUBERT is a freelance writer whose previous credits include articles inDragonMagazine. Author : Michelle Lyons,Keith Baker,C. Suleiman Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 50,5 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : You belong to one of the great dynastic houses of commerce, and you bear an arcane symbol of your house's power on your skin.
This dragonmark makes you special. It grants you access to arcane powers. Whether it's a gift of the great dragon Eberron or a sign of the draconic Prophecy, no one knows. However, one thing is certain: Those who possess dragonmarks have a destiny, the exact nature of which has yet to be revealed This supplement explores each of the thirteen dragonmarked houses in detail and presents advice for playing dragonmarked characters within a house or house guild. In addition, the book introduces exciting new options for dragonmarked characters, including prestige classes, feats, and spells. Finally, it discusses aberrant dragonmarks and their role in the campaign. Book jacket. Author : Keith Baker,Bill Slavicsek,James Wyatt Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 55,9 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : Author : Gwendolyn F.
Kestrel,Jennifer Clarke Wilkes,Kolja Raven Liquette Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 55,7 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : The Blood of Dragons Flows through Your Veins In ages past, dragons ruled supreme. Now their distant scions, the races and individuals who carry their blood, live among the great empires of the world, where they forge their own glorious legacies. You can be among them. Embrace your draconic heritage, and the spoils of the world can be yours! This book introduces two new player character races: the dragonborn existing characters reborn in a new draconic form to combat and destroy the spawn of Tiamat and the spellscales artistic, philosophical beings with a penchant for sorcery and a thirst for new experiences.
It also provides new prestige classes, feats, spells, magic items, equipment, and guidelines for crafting adventures and campaigns involving dragonblooded races. Author : James Wyatt,Keith Baker,Luke Johnson Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 50,6 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : Describes important locations, events, organizations, races, and features of the Eberron campaign setting, organized in an accessible and easily digestible format so that players can use the book as a handy reference guide. In addition, the book provides new feats, prestige classes, spells, and magic items. Welcome to Simply6! Simply6 is a fast, light tabletop roleplaying game by Russ Morrissey for 2 or more players which you can play using just six-sided dice.
Simply6 is a multi-genre game. You can play in fantasy settings, science-fiction settings, or contemporary settings. You can play in the Wild West or a cyberpunk dystopia. The scope of your setting is entirely up to you, and these rules are simple and flexible enough to handle them all. In this short rulebook, you'll find sections which tell you the core rules, how to create a character, how to adjudicate magic and combat, and a list of monsters for your characters to fight. It's small. It's simple. It's Simply6. Author : Keith Baker Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 53,6 Mb Release : Category : Adventure games ISBN : Author : Keith Baker Publisher : Wizards of the Coast Page : pages File Size : 51,5 Mb Release : Category : Fiction ISBN : The Eberron world will continue to grow through new roleplaying game products, novels, miniatures, and electronic games.
AUTHOR BIO: Keith Baker is a freelance writer and game designer. In his proposal for the world of Eberron was selected as the winner in the Wizards of the Coast fantasy setting search. From the Paperback edition. Author : Bruce R. Cordell,Stephen Schubert,Chris Thomasson Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 52,7 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : It introduces a wealth of new arcane and divine spells, and artificer infusions. Chapters explore the more unusual manifestations of magic in Eberron, such as elemental binding, dragonshards and dragon magic, and the corrupted magic of the daelkyr. A chapter on lost magic explains how to make the discovery of new magical secrets a central feature of any Eberron campaign.
Author : Keith Baker Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 54,7 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : Join the struggle to save the cradle of humanity from monstrous and alien overlords. Venture to the frozen land of the shifters to make your fortune, or smuggle exotic goods and strange dissidents from a freewheeling southern port. Stand on the world's tallest mountain, or rove the vast wilderness that makes up the empire of Riedra. Seek venerated masters, and learn powers and abilities unheard of in Khorvaire. Come to Sarlona, ancient homeland of couatls and fiends, and explore a land of lost empires and esoteric arts. Inside this book, you'll find everything you need to explore the enigmatic continent of Sarlona: Comprehensive overview of Sarlona's nations, including their governments and relations, as well as locations, communities, organizations, and NPCs.
Detailed maps of the continent, nations, settlements, and adventure sites. Unique new feats, magic items, prestige classes, psionic powers, and spells. Bizarre monsters and templates unique to Sarlona. Author : Jennifer Clarke Wilkes,Ari Marmell,C. Suleiman Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 45,7 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : Faiths of Eberrondetails established pantheons, secret cults, and other religious organizations of Eberron. It includes new rules material for the player, such as prestige classes, feats, spells, and magic items, while the details on the various organizations give Dungeon Masters many new options for their campaigns. Her previously published credits includeSandstormandSavage Species. Ari Marmell and C. Suleiman are freelance writers with extensive credits in the d20 gaming industry. Their published credits includeHeroes of Horror.
Author : David Noonan,Frank Brunner,Rich Burlew Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 55,7 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : The ultimate sourcebook for players wishing to explore the world of Eberron, the "Explorer's Handbook" showcases the multi-continental aspect of the Eberron setting. This handbook encourages players to explore the entire world rather than remain fixed in one region. Kestrel,Duncan Scott Publisher : Arthaus Page : 0 pages File Size : 53,8 Mb Release : Category : Electronic ISBN : Author : Jesse Decker,David Noonan,Michelle Lyons Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 54,9 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : Books Races Of Eberron Races Of Eberron.
Races of Eberron Jesse Decker,Matthew Sernett,Keith Baker,Gwendolyn F. Kestrel Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 48,8 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : DOWNLOAD. Heroes of Battle David Noonan,Will McDermott,Stephen Schubert. Author : David Noonan,Will McDermott,Stephen Schubert Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 55,6 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : X DOWNLOAD. Dragonmarked Michelle Lyons,Keith Baker,C. Suleiman Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 50,5 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : DOWNLOAD. Eberron Keith Baker,Bill Slavicsek,James Wyatt. Author : Keith Baker,Bill Slavicsek,James Wyatt Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 55,9 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : DOWNLOAD.
Races of the Dragon Gwendolyn F. Kestrel,Jennifer Clarke Wilkes,Kolja Raven Liquette. Kestrel,Jennifer Clarke Wilkes,Kolja Raven Liquette Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 55,7 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : DOWNLOAD. Player's Guide to Eberron James Wyatt,Keith Baker,Luke Johnson. Author : James Wyatt,Keith Baker,Luke Johnson Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 50,6 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : DOWNLOAD. Simply6: A Fast, Universal, Tabletop Roleplaying Game Russ Morrissey. Shadows of the Last War Keith Baker. Author : Keith Baker Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 53,6 Mb Release : Category : Adventure games ISBN : DOWNLOAD. City of Towers Keith Baker. Author : Keith Baker Publisher : Wizards of the Coast Page : pages File Size : 51,5 Mb Release : Category : Fiction ISBN : DOWNLOAD.
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As a warforged, your Constitution bonus allows you to rage longer, your immunity to fatigue means you suffer no ill effects when your rage ends, and the Adamantine Body feat grants you excellent protection that barbarians cannot normally gain. Too much time spent concentrating on the same mental task is wearying to them, and this is one of the primary motivations behind their wish to change tasks every few hours—to keep their minds occupied. At night, this part of the ware- to tell him to stand ready in the warehouse to unload house district can be so still and quiet that for hours wagons. In addition, it includes references to material in the EBERRON Campaign Setting, the Expanded Psionics Handbook, Complete Divine, Complete Arcane, Monster Manual III, and Manual of the Planes. Other shifters suppress all emotion, dealing with their bestial instincts in their own way and remaining stoic in the face of any situation lest their powerful emotions overwhelm them. Author : Jennifer Clarke Wilkes,Ari Marmell,C.
Half-Elves: Warforged often find it difficult to distinguish half-elves from humans or elves, a flaw that some half-elves relish and others despise, races of eberron pdf download. While they have never reached the heights of magical power or architectural skill that have allowed other races and cultures to build great cities or cross mighty oceans, they never regard this as a failing. At the same time, warforged understand that the war is over, and some feel a sort of sympathy for changelings, seeing them as creatures similarly defined by their past. As these adventuring shifters grow in prestige and power, they typically interact with influential members of other races, and more often than not the shifters slowly win the respect and admiration of those with whom they choose to interact. Author : Jesse Decker,David Noonan,Michelle Lyons Publisher : Unknown Page : 0 pages File Size : 54,9 Mb Release : Category : Dungeons and Dragons Game ISBN : the Mournland to become the Lord of Blades, but no Soon other warforged were given permanent command races of eberron pdf download knows for certain.
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